Thursday, October 17, 2013

Wonderful insights- enjoy!

Wonderful insights - enjoy!

Sorry this week is going to be a little shorter :) We don't have a ton of time to email but this week has been absolutely amazing and I just wanted to share! :) I seriously feel as though everyday I wake up it is another adventure about to start. Everyday I learn so much and grow so much. and it just helps me realize how much more I still have to learn and grow :) But i am definitley ok with that because I definitley love every moment! The struggles bring growth and a whole new outlook :) i have grown to realize that the mountains of struggles we have to climb in life are merely opportunities for us to look back later and see the way the Lord carried us up all of the rockiest cliffs. Looking back I see moments of struggle, that always transformed into moments of growth. Looking forward I see these mountains as opportunites to become more like my father in heaven. Often we have to realize that as we are trying to get back to our lord we are going up the mountian and not down. The path we have been given is straight and narrow, leading back to our father in heaven. Our lives are not like the rivers that go down the mountain moving this way and that as it goes around and avoids rocks, trees, and other obstacles. No we are going up. A constant journey taken to return to our father in heaven. when obstacles such as cliffs arise we depend on our father to help us, to guide us through them, and not around them. As we overcome these obstacles we look back and realize we have made a huge feat and become much closer to our father in heaven than we were before. We must continue up, with faith so that we can someday reach the top of the mountain and in that day be able to look back down over the valley of the Kingdom of God, to realize all of his great mercies, love, and glory! :) Our father in heaven is magnificent. His love is uncomprehendable. This week I have had many opportunities to watch people grow and come closer to our father in heaven! :) We were also blessed this week to find a sweet new family who have already found much peace through our message. I wish I could talk about all of my amazing investigators right now. They are truly amazing! Everyday they are doing their best to come closer to Christ and I am so grateful to be a small part of it. I can feel the presence of angels as the help give strength in times of need. And the Holy Ghost as he testifies of truth. So much peace and happiness comes from the blessings of this gospel. We truly do have a plan for us. Where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going. I was finally able to watch conference yesterday. In Korea we always get conference a week later as we wait for the translation to come. The messages and inspiration that were shared were so powerful! I loved and learned so much from it all! I definitley recommend if anyone wasn't able to see, or hear a part of it to go back and read it or watch it. President Monson was right when he said this entire conference was inspired. I personal found all the answers I had gone into conference wondering. It has helped me so much and helped me to understand so much more! :) Well I am sorry I can't type much more but i was hoping to mention two of my investigators. 이준선 형제님은 (Lee Jon Seun) right now he as well as his wife are in the hospital. They do not know how much longer they have but they do have faith in their Lord Heavenly Father and know this message is true. Please pray for them to have peace and comfort as they go through this struggle in this life. The other is a younger boy 이관지 (Lee Gwan Ji). His mother is currently battling cancer in a hospital in seoul. He has so much faith in his savior and is such a pure boy. He is growing so much everyday and he too could just use the spirit of peace in his life. It is so touching to see the spirit in each one of these investigators lives. The spirit that is always with us when we meet is amazing. I am so grateful to know such wonderful people. Anyways thank you all so much for all you have done for me! :) I love hearing from you and hope to hear more from you all soon! :)
Elder Bigler

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